“Bring Democracy Back to the Union!” Billboards Springing Up All Over Connecticut
You may have recently noticed a startling orange billboard along the freeway, proclaiming, “Bring Democracy Back to the Union!” What do these billboards mean?
Well, let’s think about what Democracy means. It means giving the people the right to vote! But what does that mean if you are a union worker? Would it surprise you to know that Connecticut public union workers currently do not have worker voting rights? That’s right! Public union workers cannot choose the union that represents them at the workplace!
But now, time has come to make that right. Connecticut’s public service workers are asking for the right to choose who represents their most precious rights at the bargaining table.
Recertification election would do just that. What is recertification election exactly? Recertification election is a rule that would give public union workers the right to vote on which union represents them at the workplace. That means that they would have the right to choose a different or alternate union by way of a vote instead of being given just one choice.
The funny thing is, when we asked public union members if they had ever heard of recertification, about half said they had not. Yet, 75% agree that they should have the right to choose.
It’s time to make recertification a reality. Workers are able to elect the officials of their union, so why can’t they elect which union represents them?
To learn more about how recertification election can bring democracy back to Connecticut unions, sign up to learn more here.